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Computer hardwares shop

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Intel D-0 Stepping Core i7-920

In February Intel indicated that it’s initiating a C-0 to D-0 stepping conversion for the Intel Core i7-920 processor.

The overclocking performance of D-0 Core i7-920 is superior to that of C0/C1 stepping. New stepping Core i7-920 features a few changes including S-Spec from SLBCH to SLBEJ, and the CPU ID from 0×000106A4 to 0×000106A5, so a BIOS update is required. Besides, the Ink Swatch number has been also removed.

D0 Core i7-920 has hit retail at AKIBA at price tag of Yen 30780 which is about $306.

Source: [AKIBA]

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